Hand Tracking without Cameras

Our ARMBAND does it

A gadget tracking your hands by simply wearing it.

Fast and Accurate

Quick computation with high precision, and very low-latency.


Tracking every hand motion relative to your body. Unlimited gestures!

Open API

APIs are open sourced. You can connect to, modify, and use it any way you want.

Motion Capture made easy

Get rid of camera rigs, markers, and controlled illumination to track your hands. It works indoors and outdoors. The armband already has the required sensors to make it possible. Just wear it!

Ready to go

Designed to be easy to use or modify. It works out of the box, and its simple design allows for a faster integration in any platform you want.

Our OpenAPIs will make it even easier. Your creativity will be challenged.

Edge Computing

No external connection is required. No cloud, no internet, not even your phone is used to process the data, adding an extra layer of privacy.

Everything happens in the device.

Faster than your screen

The sensor data is substantially smaller, and its processing is not as intensive as other optical gadgets, allowing us to be much faster.

Its cutting-edge microprocessor gets you 100 Hz without flinching.

Initial releases are limited, so be sure to sign up to get the latest news!

The first gadgets will be distributed among researchers and users with a keen interest in hacking it.

These first devices will be limited because we want to offer a thorough support to our first users testing it.

If you think the armband can help you in your field, do not hesitate contacting us.

Let’s bring freedom back to Humans!